Wholesale Market Software, Supply, & Consulting Services

  • Access and visibility into the market through the lens of a large market participant.

  • Through our web-based SaaS, we provide transparency into wholesale market prices and various costs, including ancillary services, necessary to serve and manage retail load for REPs, cooperatives, and customers. 

  • Because Mothership is a licensed and active market participant ourselves, we are able to provide visibility into data that is traditionally only directly available to load serving entities like us.

Mothership’s software and consulting gives our clients transparent access to the wholesale and retail power markets.  Our clients gain immediate access to over 16 TB of diverse power market data, including archived datasets dating back to 2019 that are no longer available to the market for historic trend analysis, modeling and more.

Wholesale Market Information

Load Forecasting

Scheduling and Settlement

Retail Pricing Data

Risk Management

DER Market Participation